Sunday, March 28, 2010

From Davis Monthan AFB near the end of March


Have finally had some luck getting on to the BLOG!

Have WiFi here, but still not able to send email, but can receive it.

This will be the first blog entry for the month and that was by Domino. Have not been able to get on her new blog, but have checked with Mark when we have reached him on her progress. He said it must be good as she and Capri had a long phone visit and there was a lot of laughing.

We are having a slow morning after having gone to mass last night as the morning mass here is at 10 AM,and we might be able to get out and about before that time. Guess the sausage and eggs are about ready so it is time for breakfast.

Most of this week we have been at Patagonia Lake State Park after a long weekend at Ft. Huachuca in Sierra Vista where we toured around in a rental to places where the RV isn't welcome or are not paved. Birding is not as good as hoped, but even the bird walk leaders agree it is not good because of the dry winter and lack of insects on which the birds depend. Desert wildflowers sparse, too.

Our plan is to remain around Tucson until after all the Holy Week services from Thursday thru the Saturday evening Easter vigil mass. Then we will head west to the Colorado River where Mom would enjoy a day or three at parks near Parker.

Then it will be time to head east. No particular route plan yet, but we'll be check the weather as we go.

Will try again to get an email out to one of you and ask that it be forwarded.
Please forward it and alert them to this blog entry.

Love and prayers, Mom and Dad

Sunday, February 28, 2010

sorry about the difficulties with the blog. here's a link, click it and it should take you directly to my blog. 

if that still doesn't work, let me know and i'll just keep posting things on this blog.

Friday, February 19, 2010



Tried today to find your blog but was not successful. Found something about someone with sequin eyes, not much more. tumblr was part of it.

When you are settled, perhaps you can give us some assistance.

Hope your flight wasn't too demanding.

Happy Fall!

Love and prayers, Grandma and Grandpa

Monday, February 15, 2010

My bad, wrong link. Here's the real one, sorry!

Yay! People are blogging again!

Not to throw a wrench in things, but I started my own blog for while I'm in NZ. I currently post everything to this blog, facebook, and then email it to a bunch more people, which is inconvenient and harder than it has to be. So, here's the link to my blog:

I'll still check this blog, though. 

It was lovely seeing some of you yesterday. Thank you for the send off! 



A test.

Second time today. This from the laptop. Have sent some Rome suggestions to Monica and finished, we think, the federal income tax work.

Fairly mild now, with some sun. Hope to do some RV work this PM.


The Potter's Lake Valentine Brunch

Good Morning,

It was great to see Susan, Jay, Bridget, Maura, David, Susan ROC, Finn, Mark, Monica, Nemo, Domino, and Capri yesterday. Calls from Michelle and Kevin were also a part of the picture.

Lots of sunshine made for pleasant driving, apparently, and most got a start for home with the prospect of plenty of daylight for the trip.

We'll be busy the next two weeks preparing for our trip and we were pleased that David suggested yesterday's gathering as a sendoff for us and for Domino who will fly off to New Zealand on Thursday.

Pleased to learn that Monica has the opportunity to go to Italy in 3 weeks on business. The name of the town in the very south was not familiar. I didn't think to write it down, so not sure where it is in terms of the "boot heel" area but will try to send her some ideas on what to see in Rome.

Will be making an attempt to write here on the blog frequently as we travel. Nemo did help me get the laptop set for e-mail monitoring, but I'm still a little hesitant about the steps once we are on the road and needing to find places where we can get free/inexpensive wireless connections.

Must be on to some prep tasks.

Love and prayers, Mom and Dad